Rotation Implementation

An Introduction to SSI

Server Side Includes or SSI is a method of dynamically inserting data into an HTML page. BWI uses this technology so that it can dynamically insert ads to your HTML pages.  This documentation does not include information about configuring SSI for your server.  Please contact your ISP for that information.  This documentation will help you insert a rotation in your HTML pages, as shown below.

Methods Available

Currently, there are two SSI methods available to insert BWI rotations into your HTML pages.  They are include virtual and exec cmd SSI commands.  Each are explained in more detail below.  The most common method is the exec cmd command which requires the HTTP Header option to be set to "NO".  The include virtual command requires the HTTP Header option to be set to "YES" and is a backup plan for inserting the rotation.  The include virtual method is not supported, therefore it is not included in this documention.

To insert the entire rotation into an HTML page, use the following SSI command:

<!--#exec cmd="<SYSTEM_PATH_TO_BANNER_PROGRAM>"-->

Replace "<SYSTEM_PATH_TO_BANNER_PROGRAM>" with the actual system path of the banner program.

Implementing a client's rotation

To implement a client's rotation with the exec cmd SSI command, use the following:


Replace "<SYSTEM_PATH_TO_BANNER_PROGRAM>" with the actual system path of the banner program, and
"<NAME_OF_CLIENT>" with the actual name of the client you wish to implement.

NOTE: The word "client:" and the actual login of the client are CaSE SEnSiTIvE! If the name of the client has a space in
it, include the space in the command (for ex: for a client named "all in one", the call would be "<!--...... client:all in one"-->").
Also, this SSI call MUST ALL BE ON ONE LINE!

Implementing a realm's rotation

To implement a realm's rotation with the exec cmd SSI command, use the following:


Replace "<SYSTEM_PATH_TO_BANNER_PROGRAM>" with the actual system path of the banner program, and
"<REALM_NAME>" with the actual name of the realm you wish to implement.

NOTE: The word "realm:" and the actual login of the client are CaSE SEnSiTIvE! If the login of the realm has a space in
it, actually put the space there (for ex: for a realm named "all in one", the call would be "<!--...... realm:all in one"-->").
Also, this SSI call MUST ALL BE ON ONE LINE!

Tips on Rotations

When creating a rotation (a realm), gather all the ads that have some simularity into one realm, therefore you can have that rotation on one certain part of your page.  For example, if you have 10 small icon ads, group all of them into a realm, and put the rotation at the location where you want to advertise those icon ads.

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